Scrums Hookups

Hookup Manager

Create new hookup (with or without partners)

Choose an active hangout from the list below and join it, or choose a pending hangout from the 2nd list and activate and join it.

Active Hookups

Title Start Time Participants Actions
WebsiteOne: Event Test Development, pair program 8:05 April,Bobby, Jon E. Manage Hangout...
codelailu 8:25 Paul, ... Join Hangout...

Pending Hookups

Title Start Time Range Participants Actions
169.1 HW1- Free help for novices 1:30-2:30 Tansaku, Michelle Offer Partnership... Start Hangout...
Codealia- TDD for ruby lambda/closures 3:30-4:00 Marian Offer Partnership...


As a participant in an active hangout ,
In order to manage (e.g. restart, reset the link, etc) the hangout,
I'd like a link from the active hangouts table.

As a user,
In order to join an existing hangout,
I'd like a link from the active hangouts table.

As a user,
In order to partner with the originator of a pending hangout,
I'd like a link to Offer Partnership for a pending hangout in the Pending hangouts table

As a user (pending event participant),
In order to remove my offer to partner with the originator of a pending hangout,
I'd like a link to Remove my offer for Partnership for a pending hangout in the Pending hangouts table

As a user (event initiator),
In order to add a new pending hangout and to find partners(i.e. I'm planning to start it later),
I'd like to create a new pending hangout with no partners

As a user (event initiator),
In order to add a new pending hangout with known partners(i.e. I'm planning to start it later, but I have partners already),
I'd like to create a new pending hangout and specify my partner(s)

As an event creator,
In order to edit an event that I created,
I'd like an edit option from the hangouts tables (or possibly this is part of Managing the event)

As an event creator,
In order to delete an event that I created,
I'd like a delete option next to events I created.

** NOT MVP **
As a user,
In order to discuss the pending hangout with the originator,
I'd like to send a message to the originator

As a user,
In order to get more information about the originator,
I'd like to view the originator's profile

As a user,
In order to discuss events/hangouts with others,
I'd like to chat with them about the hangouts

As a hangout creator/participant,
In order to close off an event to others,
I'd like to mark the event as closed (and remove the link for others to join)

As a hangout creator/participant,
In order to limit the number of participants,
I'd like to set a limit on the number of participants (which is enforced)

When a user adds himself to the queue, then a new row is added to the table, and the fields for project description and Available Until will be editable. So the user can set the project description and Time Range fields, similar to adding a new comment into slack or Disqus. When Initiating a new Hangout, perhaps there can be a checkbox for the pair to mark the session as open or closed. For a row representing the user's active hangout,i.e. the user is a participant, show the 'Manage Hangout" link.